2nd Hackathon ChemMoodle

February 28, 2023
From 12:00 until 14:00
C@fé–Learning lab - IUT Robert Schuman - 72 Route du Rhin, Illkirch-Graffenstaden

- Presentation by a speaker from the IDIP about quiz design techniques.
- Presentation of the Moodle modules allowing to write quiz questions for Chemistry: Qtype/molsimilarity and Atto/molstructure. Test of the new plugin under development: Qtype/reacsimilarity, for questions about chemical reactions.
- Work on your own question and quiz projects: we will help you with the writing and technical implementation of these.

« + » The ChemMoodle project offers you lunch. Fill in the menu of your choice on this Evento: https://evento.renater.fr/survey/hackathon-chemmoodle-le-28-02-2023-au-c-fe-entre-12h-et-14h-diuywgcb

Remember to equip yourself with a laptop to work on your Moodle quizzes.

A Moodle test server will also be available if you do not have an account on the Unistra Moodle.

L’équipe ChemMoodle
Gilles MARCOU, Catherine JEUNESSE, Louis PLYER